I love film so much it makes me want to cry...
I wasn't born, but adopted into a family in the Entertainment industry and I'm so incredibly thankful for it.
Growing up in Los Angeles and having parents who worked on some of the biggest studio lots made it damn near unfathomable for me to work in any other industry.
Fantasia was my first film in theaters.
It was so beautiful and so magical.
Night On Bald Mountain swept me off my feet.
Chernabog <3 |
Films like The Birds, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Psycho, E.T., The Ten Commandments, Fantasia, Edward Scissorhands and the Universal Classics all came with my birth certificate.
Everything about film just fascinates me. Everything from the script to the production and yes... even the advertising. That's part of the industry that I've also had great interest in. The benefit of having parents in marketing and advertising, I've gotten to see and know the importance of that side as well.
I get the best of both worlds, or more, I
understand both worlds... As much of an art form that it is, it is still a business and it takes certain kinds of people to do it the right way.

As long as there's a good balance and both the artist and the executive can respect each others needs, there's no reason for either to get into each others way. (What fantasy world am I living in, right?)
It's possible... With my mind it's possible. I just happen to know and appreciate both the art and the business sides equally.
Back to the art... I just have a passion for all creativity. Music, dance, painting, performing... and film has EVERYTHING! Mesmerizing scores, stunning visuals, scintilating performances and the ability to take you out of reality and put you in a completely different one. Escapism at it's most artistic.

Now... There are people that go to movies to be entertained and those that go to escape and people that do it for both. Some people just want to laugh and have a good time. Those people can find it hard to understand why anyone else would go see a horror film, or twisted drama that pushes boundaries. I love it because it takes me to an alternate reality. Sure, I love a nice fun innocent movie and be happily entertained.
Ida Lupino |
But I also appreciate something that makes me question myself, life and how I feel about things. I like being challenged and being shown something new. I also love the bad in life as well as the good. There's drama, trauma and pain in life, not everything is perfect, sweet and happy. Films show all aspects of life. It's not supposed to be pure and innocent all the time. Art is meant to be thought provoking and tug at your heart strings. It's supposed to make you feel and inspire you.
As a little girl, I made it my goal to see every single film ever made! Then I started to count in my head how many movies are made a year and how many years films have been around and there's also foreign films and etc... etc... etc... I decided that I would probably only be able to accomplish seeing every
horror film ever made. But I was sure gonna see as many thrillers, westerns, gangster films, dramas, comedies and musicals as I could!
The filmmakers that first inspired me Alfred Hitchock and Tim Burton. To this day they are my absolute favorite directors of all time.
Alfred Hitchcock... A man after my own heart... Beautiful women in twisted suspenseful tragedies. It's always been a dream of mine to be a Hitchcock Blonde... *sigh*... In my afterlife maybe... Shadow of a Doubt, North by Northwest, Rope, Vertigo, Psycho, Saboteur, Rear Window, To Catch A Thief, Dial M for Murder and The 39 Steps are some of my favorites.
Charlie & Charlie (whom my little Charlie is named after) |
But my absolute favorite has to be Marnie.
I probably love this movie more than anyone in the world. I certainly appreciate it more than the average Hitchock fan.
"No!!!!!!" Sean Connery at his scariest. |
Michael Keaton.... Thank you.... |
Yes... I am a "Burton Baby." I was born in the era of Mr. Burtons finest, Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Ed Wood. I was obsessed with BeetleJuice. The fantasy world that he creates are as if he could see into my dreams and made them real.
My film fantasies were made possible by him. He brought the "strange and unusual" to the masses and made them mainstream!

Monsters, nightmares, stripes, a perverted "bio-exorcist" turning into a snake trying to marry a little depressed goth girl, a man in a tight bondage suit with scissors for hands. As a little girl I always wondered to myself, "How did he get away with this?!?"
I don't know how, but I'm sure glad he did.
There are so many directors that I love and admire greatly such as Stanley Kubrick, Ida Lupino, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen Spielberg, Danny Boyle, Mary Harron, Francis Ford Coppola, Bryan Singer, John Landis, De Palma, John Cassavetes and Darren Aronofsky -whom I've had the pleasure of working with!
The Sweet Smell of Success |
Danny Boyle on the set of 28 Days Later... |
Thanks to AMC, FMC, and most of all TCM for showing amazing and rare classics on television, I get closer and closer to reaching my goal. If there's any television worth while, it's on Turner Classic Movies. I love watching Robert Osborne's introductions and interviews. It's wonderful to see so many people devoted to film appreciation. Netflix also does it's fair share as well. I'm more and more astonished by the collection of rare films that keep turning up on their site. Not only on dvd but available for instant viewing as well!
Barry Lyndon |
I'm so lucky that I have access to the Aero, Nuart, Egyptian, New Bevery and Silent Movie theaters. I can see so many of my favorite films on the big screen, finally! Getting to see all of those beautiful, vibrant and extravagant musicals with glamorous makeup and costumes on the big screen is a real treat.
I can get a taste of what of what it would be like to experience seeing a movie in theaters for the first time... Movies like The Fly, The Exorcist and Batman. The Aero is where I saw Shadow of a Doubt for the first time... of course I fell in love...
I will always be a student of film. I will never stop learning.
One day I hope to be able to show what I've learned.
Jimmy deserves his own post.
James Stewart <3 |
*Celluloid Love*
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Emma Bunnie